Monday, September 7, 2020
I was heartbroken when I received a text from my sister, Layna, that Lucille had passed. I sent her a get well card a couple of weeks ago but didn’t realize how ill she was. She and Jonny have been friends of my parents for as long as I can remember. After Johnny passed I would go with mom to visit her sometimes when I’d be visiting Walton, would send her Christmas cards and she’d occasionally call me. The last time I talked to her was when she called while my husband was visiting his family in Iran last October, concerned for his safety. I reassured her that he and his family were fine and he’d be returning soon.
She also shared with me several years ago that Barkley Moore, previous President of Oneida Baptist Institute in Oneida,Ky, had several times been a dinner guest and stayed overnite with her and Johnny at their home. This was the same Barkley Moore that was in the Peace Corp in my husband’s hometown in Iran in the late 1960’s-early 1970’s and was instrumental in helping him come to study here in the US. How very small this world truly is.
I also learned from mom recently that those fruitcake cookies that I have loved since I was young and that mom had been making for years were originally from Lucilles’s recipe.
Lucille was a wonderful woman and was always thinking of others. She was a good friend to my mom, Coreta Cheesman, and I know she will miss her will I.
John, Leslie and the extended family please know that I will be thinking and praying for you. I would love to come Wednesday but due to COVID I am still not comfortable, even masked, being in large gatherings but know I am with you in spirit and sending my love, Dayna Cheesman Mohammadione