
Words to describe Emma Coleman Kavanaugh Scalf:
Loving; Unselfish; Honest; Hard worker, Independent; Strong; Believed in God; Huge Heart; Beautiful; Loved her Family,; Loving daughter; Amazing little sister; Sweet niece; Fun loving aunt/ant; Loving, beautiful wife; Loving, beautiful Mom/Mother; Bestest Mamaw; 24/7 free baby sitter; Caregiver to two sisters and her mother-n-law, Sally Scalf.

This letter was written by Mom’s great-granddaughter and namesake, Emma Summer Due, and placed in Mom’s casket. Mom loved her Family ❤️.

One of Mom’s best friends at Triangle/Equitable Bag Company, Theresa Metz Hodge. Mom also worked with Theresa’s Mom, Marie. Mom retired after 45 years of loyal service.

We have so many good memories of our Mom and Dad. They were two good, loving people, who loved us very much. Not because they believed it was what they should do, but because they loved us as the “Mom & Dad” they didn't have to be. Thank you, God, for our Mom, Emma Coleman Kavanaugh Scalf, and our Dad, RD Scalf.
Mom: ❤️ 7/30/2023 ❤️
Dad: ❤️ 5/08/2010 ❤️

My Mother-n-Law, from Tom Purvis:
I have never known anyone, who cared more about family than Mom. She had many sterling virtues, but that abiding and deep concern for all her relatives was the defining characteristic of her life.
She was generous to a fault. She exemplified the best traits of her parents, grandparents, and more distant ancestors, and so was a vital link who helped keep alive a spirit of family pride in the generations that come after her.

My beautiful Mom. I will never be ready to give you up. We will be together forever. I love that you are my Mom. Your baby girl, Linda Ann.
Funeral Service

In Loving Memory
Emma Coleman Kavanaugh Scalf
1931 - 2023
Honored to be entrusted with the care and satisfaction of families since 1906
(859) 344-5000
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