Thursday, December 28, 2006
June and family; I was saddened to hear of this passing in the family. Just recently I was corresponding with Aunt Wanda about the special people at Hopeful; of course June and Jerry were brought up by me. You see, I remember watching your family, the interaction, the love you had for one another and for the church family. Your affection and strong family ethic made a profound and positive effect on me as a child and as I walked through life. Through the sacred spaces of Hopeful walk the shadows of those saints gone before, Jerry, Dudley, my uncles and father Toad, and many others. Those shadows will guide the future generations with the values shown by these individuals; compassion, understanding, each individual's witness as a human being and Christian. Please know I am praying for your peace of mind and healing of your hearts. Respectfully, Gin-Nie Tanner Smith, High Point NC.