Sunday, February 23, 2014
We have lived next to the Gerros for the last 21 years and I must say we will really miss seeing Mr. Gerros putt around on his lawn mower. We could tell he was doing well based on him riding his mower. About 5-6 years ago I noticed he was cutting the hill in front of his hay field, this hill has a pretty good slant to it. So I decided to start cutting it before he could hoping it would not upset him. I did this for about 3 years then one day I was cutting my grass and he was on his lawn mower, he waved his arms in the air flagging me to come over to him. I did, we turned our mowers off and he said he wanted to thank me for cutting that hill. I told him it was no big deal and was glad to do it. He reached in his wallet and said I want to pay you for doing that. I said oh no it was not necessary, we went back and forth about it for a minute then he said these words to me. I will never forget these words or how they made me feel. He said..."I want you to take this and go buy yourself a dress" I thought to myself what a gentleman he was. I took the $50.00 and tucked it away. I waited until the right time and I did buy me a dress and that dress was for my daughters wedding. I smiled inside the entire time thinking of him. It might sound silly to some but that one statement made an impact on me. This is truly my favorite memory of Mr. Gerros.