Wednesday, March 18, 2009
john, i am very sorry to hear about your dad. the first i heard that he was sick was from gabrielle. i always liked talking to your dad. he was one of the nicest people i have ever met...i am glad i got this opportunity to do so. the other day i was golfing and i was using one of the golf balls your dad had brought over the house for me. he knew i needed them because i told him how many i lost in the woods. i pulled one out of my bag on a hole notorius for eating my golf balls. the trees laugh when i come up to this hole almost saying "time to eat comes bernie with another ball for us." well, i always mark my golf balls. on this one i put in memory of David Higgins and hit that thing as far in the woods as possible. I didn't mind taking the penalty stroke on this shot. I think your dad would have just laughed at me saying..."there are plenty more where those came from." I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Sincerely, Bernie Brungs